Everything you need to know to prepare for your procedure or operation.

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Dentistry and Oral Surgery

Our specialist anaesthetists are available to provide anaesthesia for a variety of dental and oral surgical procedures.

Examples include dental fillings, extractions, root canal treatment, dental implants and complex oral, and maxillofacial surgery.

Choice of technique

In hospital, while IV Sedation is sometimes used, the majority of procedures are performed under a General Anaesthetic. Most patients will go home on the same day.


General Anaesthesia is used for more major procedures and preferred by some patients and dentists. Discuss the options with your dentist or surgeon and if you are still unsure, ask to be referred to the anaesthetist for more information.

Preparing for your procedure

Any food or fluid in your stomach could enter your lungs you while you are sedated and may lead to breathing complications.

See the fasting page for important recommendations.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing, which easily allows access to both arms. Do not wear high heels or shoes that make you unsteady.


For tooth extractions and any other surgical procedures, it may be best to stop Aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications a week before surgery, but this is dependent upon why you take them. Please discuss this with your dentist, anaesthetist or doctor. Instead, use Paracetamol for pain relief.


Do not smoke for 24 hours prior to your procedure.

Arrange a responsible adult friend or relative to take you to the dental surgery and accompany you home.

It MAY BE DANGEROUS TO DRIVE within 24 hours of IV Sedation. If you have any questions, please phone us on 8293 2077. It is illegal to drive under the influence of sedative or other drugs.


If you are on fluid tablets, for your convenience you do not need to take them on the morning of the procedure.

Most other medications should be taken as usual with a sip of water.


If you are unsure, please check with us. If you are a diabetic on tablets or insulin, please contact us prior to your procedure for further instructions. If you are on blood thinners including Aspirin, please stop taking them 1 week prior to the procedure unless advised otherwise by your doctor/cardiologist.

On the day

Your Anaesthetist will see you before the procedure and answer any questions on the day.


The sedative drugs are given through an intravenous cannula. Please contact us as soon as possible if you have any concerns prior to your procedure. Most people become very relaxed and forget what has happened during the procedure, but the aim is to put you at ease during the procedure, not to make you unconscious.


Your Anaesthetist will stay with you throughout the procedure to make sure you are comfortable. Most patients are fit to go home shortly after the Dentist has finished.

After the procedure

After the procedure, you should go home and rest. Do not attempt anything that takes concentration or that could put yourself or others at risk.

You should have a responsible adult with you overnight. If you feel dizzy, light-headed or faint, lie down and increase oral fluids.


If you have been given painkillers, take them so they are effective prior to the local anaesthetic wearing off. Follow the instructions on the pack.


IV sedation in dental rooms is an elective procedure and this does incur a fee based on the time taken to perform the sedation. Please speak to our staff to obtain a quote prior to booking for your procedure. IV sedation is done by a specialist who has undergone extensive training and it is a costly procedure. You may wish to think carefully about having sedation prior to confirming your booking.